Energy Conservation and Supplier Choice in NH?!
First there were the sort of sites I was looking for. Public Service of New Hampshire (PSNH) has a page on doing a sort of energy check-up. They talk about insulation, air leaks and a few other energy wasting situaion that you yourself can look for and assess.
They also have a page with some sort of Energy Calculator to help you figure your personal situation. (I say "some sort of" because the page requires a registration, and while I have registered, I still have not received access....their systems obviously isn't fully computer automated)
The PSNH has a page that they refer to as an Appliance Usage List. This page lists all the appliances typically found in a home and their typical power requirements. This will lessen the need to buy a Power measuring meter like the "Kill-A-Watt" I blogged about several posts ago. (you can get them cheaper on EBay)
They then have a page titled Energy Quick Tips that presents a list of tips to save energy. I found many of them to be obvious, but quite frankly, not things I do simply because my mind is not in a "save-energy" frame of mind. Reading these tips reminded me of some of these simple ideas, and helps to reinforce a sort of "let's save by using common sense" state of awareness.
So there is apparently a FAQ and a whole lot of information on the Public Utilities Commission Website. This page shows the "big picture" for those of you who like to see things graphically as I do.
One concept is that you will be able to buy as a part of a larger group and save by buying in bulk. I'm not sure any of these bigger groups have been defined, but it is a good idea I guess. They even have a webpage that gives you a comparison worksheet to help you organize yuour thoughts for a decision. (it is even availible in PDF form)
So the world of energy is changing....time to poke my head out of my hole and check it out...
In the mean time, I am off to the store to get some weather stripping! (I'm starting with the small stuff....sort of a bottoms up approach!)
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