Electric bills are soaring....time for an energy auditWell
So I decided to make an electrical energy audit of the house on a room by room basis. I will be making out a spreadsheet with every electrical device in each room, and calculating a room by room power draw with typical usage patterns.
This is a good idea, but how was I going to estimate some of the devices around the house?
Answer.....the Kill-A-Watt device.
This is an inexpensive device that measures voltage and current of a load on an AC line and calculates instantanious power as well as long term power usage. (very useful for measuring devices that have irregular power patters)
Oh I bought a Kill-A-Watt on EBay for $24 and I'm planning on doing a bunch of
measurements to get a sense of where the low hanging fruit may be
I will be posting graphs and spreadsheets that show you the kind of savings I am targeting
Instead of working with the Kill-a-watt, which is actually an awesome product, try using the TED5000. When it comes to energy usage monitors strictly based on software. I think the Kill-A-Watt is a great product but should be used for seeing where usage is wasted. The TED5000 should be used for forecasting which is sometimes more helpful.
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